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Blog Solely About Poker

Hello Peeps.

So, I want to write a blog solely about poker.

Recently I have had such a bad string of luck both professionally and on the amateur circuit. So, I decided to take a break from poker for a little bit.

In this time off, I have reconnected with my poker sensei, "The Wizard" , and I have come up with some recalculations of the mathematics I use during the game and adding a couple of equations that I have not used previously. We have been practicing and we have engaged in this mission.

So, I declare that now it's time to get serious. I think I have found a new formula that works wonders. I know that my skills are up to par and I am able to implement them. We are currently working out plans for the future that includes me realizing a lifelong goal. To be the first openly Gay player to hold both WSOP and WPT Championship wins.

Sometimes, I would wonder what I am doing wrong. But Wizard reminded me it doesn't matter how many wins or loses you put up. It's the level of play and the etiquette that you show that makes you a true champion in this game. I know a lot of players. They do not study. They do not take time to understand the game, to understand the etiquette of it. They take no time to truly appreciate the complexities of this game. They only speak of they won this, and they have this much. Poker for me is much more than that now. Don't get me wrong, I'm very proud of all my previous accomplishments. A lot of hard work went into all that I achieved. But I know that sometimes my etiquette wasn't up to par. I know that in the past I focused much on the things that I have won, and not enough on the things that I can win in the future.

My skills and etiquette are quite high, but I let "luck" bring me down a bit. I became stuck, not realizing that Poker is an ever changing game. The cards and rules are the same, but I have learned that I must evolve and recalculate and bring in and take out equations. This week has been so refreshing to sit down and rethink my game with Wizard and to get retrained in the ways of poker.

I'm going to take another week or so to test and strengthen my new formula and get used to it. Then I will reintroduce myself starting at amateur poker places. Then in September, I will continue on to pro arenas. I have my confidence back and with my friends and fans, I will achieve my poker goals. I'm also going to release so important etiquette tips that I have learned from the best. Thank you so much Wizard.

I really hope that my pro run is successful this time. I have a reason. I want to be near my family. I want to be able to at anytime just go away to Georgia or Wisconsin and see my beautiful family. I want the freedom to be near them anytime I want. That's my motivation and that comes from a place of deep truth. I want to see my newborn Nephew. I want to go see my beautiful Niece in Georgia just growing up and getting grown and experiencing life. I want to see my cousins and my uncles and Aunts. I feel I'm missing out so much on everyones life, and I want not to miss the oppurtunity. My motivation comes from this place deep inside and with good intentions I continue on to try to make this a reality not for the fortune and fame, but for the freedom to be there for my family whenever I feel the need to be.

Poker Gods, your Poker Princess is coming back to reclaim his thrown. Lol.

Here I come again. Thomas "Queen Six" DiMera

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