I feel their eyes fixated on me. Perform. Perform! But I can not. I feel frozen. Frozen within myself. This is what drags me. Keeps me here. As I try to gather strength it seems that it's taken away with the basic survival instinct. I don't want to let them down. I've been let down so much and I refuse to let them suffer the same agony. Perform Tommy! Be this, be that. You shine at this, you shine at that. Why can I not feel it? Why do I not see myself as they do? I often tell myself I must be when almost all of them think that I am. But I see my faults. How can I overcome them? I'd rather freeze myself now rather than fight against this. I see the good and I know it's not only a performance, but simply who I am. But to label it, and to be it 100% of the time is so hard. 95% is a challenge. And 90% is more like it. For I get frozen; I get inside of myself and just sleep as if I've not rested in years. Not because I am not, but more because I am afraid I will no longer be able to be the good they see. That I may turn out the lights forever on on something I feel so good about. I will not let them down! But how can I be completely okay with being thawed out? I stay frozen until I figure this out.
Feeling Flirtatious
Hearing Tennis -Federer Vs Hewitt
Tennis...The sport of Class
Well, hello there. Wanna come over? I'm friggen horny.
So, okay, I'm watching tennis which is now in a rain delay and having orgasms because Tennis is my favorite sport and, of course, I'm so in love with Paola Suarez. OMG, yummy! Also I'm in love with Roger Federer. OMG, how sexy is he?!?!?!
Ok, I shouldn't watch tennis. lol. I mean, all tennis players are so sexy. Yeah, that's right, I play tennis. Ugh. I wanna get back into some competitions. I'm on the right track though. In June I lost 17 pounds, so I should start working on my serve a little more. Haven't been on a court in a while now. Sucks.
Well, um, Antonio did call and yeah, we've been out on a few more dates. I don't think it's going anywhere unfortunatly. We have some different Ideals about things. I dunno. i don';t feel like talking about them right now. m...