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Before you start yelling at me about not blogging, um, yeah, It's alright. Count to ten. Hello my people. Now for my official blog. I know I've been absent, but not really. I got a twitter and I update it a lot and I thought that would be enough, but noooooo. You people want more more more of Tommy. I'm reminded of that song, gimme more by Britney Spears. lol. Well, okay, he's an official blog of the going ons in my little life. BTW, the twitter address, just in case you don't have it. He's A friend:Well, at the forefront of my mind is my friend Jim. Jim is such an awesome person. I have been spending a lot of time with him recently. He's been a great source of release for me. When we are together, I can not keep him from not laughing, and inside I'm trying to hold it together and not laugh my ass off myself. Well, this week, he's out of town and house sitting for these queers that he know. I jokingly asked "Who housesit's for the house sitter" He turned it into a thing, and now, I'm staying at his apartment for about a week. It's nice! This is my first day there, and I'm planning a party. lol. Just kidding, but if anyone really wants to part, let me know. It was kind of weird that a friend of my was bring up something to me. I spend lots of time with him, and he is always picking me up and taking me here and there and everywhere, and we always grab something to eat together and we call each other all the time and now I have a key to his apartment and I even have a pillow that stays over there permanently, and before he left to go see his mother in Illinois, he gave me his ring for "safe keeping" that I am currently wearing, and he already gave me a nice chain to put my rainbow cross on. So, what is it? Todd thinks that he is my sugar daddy, which is like a big no. He is older than be by almost 30 years, and he buys me jewels. But, one thing, there is no sex. I've seen him in his boxers though. lol. And besides, I always make sure to buy our meals when we go out to squash any thought of it being a sugar daddy situation. I don't think it's a romantic relationship. Yes, we lay in bed together and all that, but yeah, can two gay men be friends? It's a question that breeders go through too. Can a straight male and female be friends? I don't really worry about it much though. I know he is helping me with two of my resolution I set for myself at the beginning of the year. Well, sorta. He has become a confidant that I've shared things I dare not share with others. And he's an actual gay guy. I am learning so much about gay culture from him. Being that 98% of my friends are straight, it's nice to have someone like him to spend time with and learn about "my family." So whatever it is, I love it and I wouldn't give it up for the world. Rant of the Week:Okay, so I have a little rant. Yeah, I've been pint up and unable to talk about politics, so lets do this. YOU FUNKING IDIOTS!Pardon my English. Now, if you are a republican or anti-obama healthcare plan and wish to remain my friend, please stop reading here. Okay, so, there are plenty of things I have to say. First off to the dumbasses who are saying Obama is becoming a communist / Hitler. You damn fools. The man wants to give people of all classes healthcare or at least the opportunity of that. This is not about taking away your rights to whatever doctor or plan you want to have. This is about giving those people who are DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While DYING these people are SUFFERING and the Christian in me is saying WTF! Some people are so worried about them damn selves that they don't see that there are people DYING AND SUFFERING EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF EVERYDAY! This health care is for them!!!!!!!!!!!! I would gladly give up some of my rights (even though that's not the friggen case!) in order for all of God's children to have the opportunity to live a little better!!!!!!! Hitler! Hitler!?!?!?!??! Are you friggen kidding me. BUSH ACTED LIKE HITLER. He was saying he knew the answer and his God told him the mission he needed to be set on. Yes, how soon do we forget how many RIGHTS we lost due to his "mission" Denying kids homes! Denying people the right to be committed to their soul mates! Taking away liberties from certain groups of people! That's a friggen Hitler! Obama is trying to give friggen health to people! Where's the damn comparison!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!I sit and I scratch my head. What the hell? I have not been in total agreement with what my president has done (Especially when it came to my friends, the banks and insurance companies who were allowed to screw us in the butt for years then get even more of our money people we =started to push back! and let me not even bring the abortion. Shame on you Obama for that!) , but damnit he is moving in a great direction! I will support him until the very end and I will try hard to snap some of my friends back into reality of where we have been as a country and where we need to be focusing on going! No matter how unpopular it may make me! More to come, and that's a promise:Well, though this was a quick blog, I want to make a little promise that I will try hard to update at leas once every two weeks. I still recommend you get my twitter. I didn't think I would like twitter, but now, I'm in love! lol. Take care everyone and God bless. 317-333-3428With So many ways to reach Tommy, you would think he would communicate more! If I don't reach you soon, remind me with any of the options above. Aren't you lucky to get Mail from Tommy D.?!?!?!

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