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Change. It’s a start not an end. Current mood: exotic Category: Life
Hello my people!
For those of you who are expect a Grande ol blog, I'am sorry I'am in no mood to produce such a thing. I am wanting to be very insightful as to the absence of communication from me, though I feel that my words may come as lackluster in the whole scheme of things because I've so much to say.

First allow me to do this. (Stands up, does the happy dance) ! How excited I am about the turnout of this election. Only did the person who I wanted to be elect was elected; Also the turn out was huge and more people than I can remember or recall in the years I've been voting actually took part in this election. How awesome that!?!?!?!
As you all may recall, I was torn up when Hilary Clinton did not get the nomination, but I'm so happy that this republican reign of terror is soon to be put behind us, even just for a while. Congratulation To Mr. Obama! As you may know, I've been names Secretary of Queerdom in the Obama Administration. Ok, maybe not, but I"m keeping my phone open for the call. lol.

To my friends who flipped out after Hilary lost and said " Screw it, I'm voting McCain" I just have a few words for you. (Uh oh!) Now, if someone puts a Rose before me, a daisy before me, and a pile of dog crap before me, I would never sniff the rose , then the daisy, and pile o' crap then get upset that someone took the rose away from me and say " Fine, I'll take the dog crap" What the crap!!?!!?!?! (so to speak) So, I speak to you after the election because I wanted to understand where you guys were coming from. Basically, I receive a lot of bull crap that made no sense! Now, that it's over, I want to speak on it! I've had a lot of different friends from a lot of different histories. Blacks, whites, Mexicans, Asians, etc, republicans, democrats, libertarians, women, men, women dressed as men, men dressed as women, transsexuals, transvestites, post op trans, mothers, fathers, singles, Jews, Christians, nazis (yep, you heard me), Catholics, atheist, etc ect etc. With such a wide variety of friends that the lord has blessed me with, I know we will not always agree. And I hope all my friends who read this who voted for McCain will truly see that I am still a friend and I will love you forever and I hope you still love me. But, what the hell was wrong with you people. Shame shame shame! You may feel I should be shamed, but hell, I'm able to take that and think on it. If you can't do the same, well, lets think of the whole "Are we friends" thing.

Okay, stopping myself because I would like a little more feedback. because I hope I'm not just missing something. I need all my friends who voted for McCain to inform and educate me on why I should have. I know it's a mute point at this time, but I'm not one to just write my friends opinions off as "crap"

Okay, I'm getting off my political rant. A few weeks ago I thought this blog would be about the praising of Barack Obama and how I wept that night with my sister. How I was so excited that night. How great it felt that I was able to see this moment when an African American man took the most powerful job in this land. If you think I wept for other reasons you would be correct. As you know, I'm very much colorblind. I love that my party, the democrats, are now back on top. That the ideas that I have about this land and the people in it will be shared with someone on the top. But, the main reason I wept was because I thought of my forefathers and mothers. The slaves, the africans, the oppressed freed, and the new aged African Americans. The struggles that we as a people have endured. I am very mindful of the significance of this moment. all those who have perished fighting for this and not able to experience here on earth, but look on with our Creator as the face of humanity changes in such a slight but significant way. Blessed are we, white man and black, Mexican, and Asian, and all others to witness a growing up of sorts. The road has been long traveled. And I want to make sure we all are on the same page. This road is not at it's beginning, nor is it at it's end. Barack will do what he feel he has been called to do by all those who voted for him. He may be killed, I'm sorry to say. he may never experience a scratch on his person I'm hopeful in saying. But what is done, is now done. We have grew in so many aspects. And those who were /are ignorant will now be in a position to grow as well. Never have I been "proud" to say "I'm a Hoosier" for that word rings, for a lot of us, with injustice and inequality. But as soon as I seen that map and my "heartland" state turn blue, I felt a sense of pride. Pride of which, I've not experienced in my life. That I'm part of the changing wave. That we are now heading towards a place of love and harmony and central kinship that is so enduring in the human heart.

What is this that Thomas speak of? Well, people, you'll understand it someday if not already. It's hope I speak of. It's the notion that I know we are not there, but I can see the light of a clear blue morning. The bible tells us that in the end of days, darkness looms. But I think that somewhere in that, a light shines so very bright that people within it are blinded to the darkness. that somehow, we are the light and that darkness is told that it will succeed, but it never really does because we can change even the great books prophecies. That we can make earth as it is in heaven. That we can make lightness shine thru and that we can be the next great bible story. I don't think the bible ends with revelation. I think it's the start of the third great testament of how God created us to be a certain way, but even we learned and that the things that our prophets wrote about the end of days were delayed by the hearts of the changing human heart and by the grace and suprise of the lord himself. Of this I have faith. Of this, I will lead my life making the third testament a story to be heard of and read through times, trail, tribulations, and ultimate triumph.

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