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A quick bloggy of nonesense

Ok, so, as you all may know, I am currently without a computer at home except for the simple desktop which doesn't have a high speed connection and I just got rid of my dail up connection for it two months ago. So, I don't want to re enroll in a dail up account. I'm still waiting to get my laptop back to working.
Not having a laptop hasn't been tooo terribly bad. I've actually managed to clean my room and also I've read (and this isn't a joke) six full books over the last month. Yeah, OCD can really be a good thing sometimes.
So, this is not going to be an in dept totally honest blog because I'm at a public library and people are already looking at me. lol. Of course, why wouldn't they. I'm dead sexy.

Yes, today I'm very very gay. !!!! Do you have any ideal how many hot guys are here at the library! mmmm mmm mmm. I could be a total hwhore if i wanted to buty i'm not trying to be. I'm just here trying to get my countless online things complete in the one hour a day they allow it to be done.

I've been very very busy recently as some might know. I've been doings some pretty off the wall stuff. this includes enrolling in diciplship classes at my church. Yeah, me, lol. I know what you're saying. Well, at least the peiople who do not really know me, I know what they are saying. "thomas, a decon or a pastor or a biblethumper?!?!?!?! WTf" Those that do know me know how committed to my church I'm trying to be and the fact that I'm taking the next step should come as no surprize. OH well.

I've also (quite unfortunatly) Toook back my ex for about a week then dumped him. Right after that I took another lover that turned out to be a total disaster after a week. Yeah. lol. Fun stuff. I can't just find a strange but steady boyfriend. That's all I want, damnit! I don't want prince charming or some egotistic piece a crap. I just want someone I can share with and cuddle with. OMG, when did this blog turn into a friggen personal ad?!?!?!?!?!!

Ok, lets switch subjects please. For those of you who didn't know, my last remaining grandmother was diagnoised with breast cancer and has since had a masectmine. I'm happy to say that she is doing as well as expected and she starts Chemo this week. Please keep her in your prayers for me people. I anyone wants to meet her, I assure you you would be blessed to do so. You would get to know such a kind and beautiful woman.

There is so much I want to share, which I can't at this moment, but I will soon. I think I will just go ahead and let Best Buy fix my laptop. I've heard so many horror stories from there and I will have to take extra precaution when dealing with them. Oh well, it's a part of the job I guess.

So, there's not much more I have to say. I'm having a lot of issues with family matters right now. Like always I guess. But this is just getting out of control. I have a pregnant niece, a run away niece, an expecting nephew, very sick uncle and aunts, way stressed out sister, way strung out brother, and so on and so on. My dear mother is trying to hold it together so much, but stress is taking it's toll on the whole family and I can see it most in my mother's eyes.

I need to make a grander plan. I need to focus more on bringing at least some temporary peace to this family. Trouble is, I'm not very at peace with myself. i try so hard to be but it';s just not working out. Yesterday, for the first time in a while, I just started crying my ass off in the car uncontrollably. Geez, it sucks when that happens in public. But, I just couldn't help it. I was just in a daze.

My dear friends, online and offline have unfortunatly paid a price ffor all the stress I have had in my life and in my family. I can only appoligise and hope that my friends will understand. I know I've leaned on some of you and on others I've looked around. It's just what i need currently in my life and I can't help it. I'll come around. I always do.

Well, my time is about to expirer so I had better wrap this up. I love you all amnd God bless. I will try my best to contact you all, but if I'm not able, please let this blog resound in your heart and be a piece of comfort and contentment for you in my absense.

- Happy Annerversary Kenny. LMAO.
- I cleaned my room up. Yay..
- I wish I could upload vids here at the library but I can't so you'll just need to come over and watch some of the stuff I've recorded.
- GO HILARY GO!!!!!! Perfect situation, Hilary Clinton Vs John McCain. I would seriously be sooooo torn!!!!
-I love you Brandine
- Cindy + James = Perfection
- Love you Rosie O'Donnell

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