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Feeling Hopeful
Hearing No Doubt - Don't Speak

One STI for me, Two STIs for You

As Promised, an Update. Eventhough there's a storm outside and I may die by using this Laptop, but it's ok. As long as the blog gets updated, right?

Oh, Hi Cory: So, it's of course been a while since I've seen Cory or even heard from him. And knock knock, who's there!!!!!!!! Cory! I'm thinking " Oh lord, he must have heard that Kevin and I are no more and he thinks he can get back with me" but I graciously invite him in and get him a dew. So we talk and remenes about a few minutes then he tells me the reason for the visit. He tells me that he has to notify his ex'es that he has a STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection. Formally known as STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease) and he may have passed it to me because he's not sure when he got it or who he got it from. THANKS FOR THE FRIGGEN VISIT CORE! The devil inside me started to laugh saying if anyone deserved this, it would be him. But the God inside me told me to comfort, but I ended up doing neither. I just asked him to leave. I've never been worried about me having the STI because him and I haven't been together in over a year and I had me routine 6 month screen in June of this year ( Negative of course. Big surprize!) , and add to the fact that I am always very careful and well protected everytime I have any type for sexual contact. It's what has kept me disease free for over 10 years of sexual experience. Yes, I lost my virginity when I was 18, but I did do stuff before that. Never said I was an angel. But I can say I'm disease free. So, anyways, I'm going to have another full work up, which will come back negative unless someone snuck in my room while I was sleep just to give me their STI.

Surprized Repubs: Come on! You republicans are surprized your president is a lying, stupid, heartless asswipe? I knew this the first time he ran! Now his poll numbers reflect what I've been feeling for 5 1/2 years now. Not saying that the other party is any better, but they are better. At least they call 911 after the stabe you in the back and screw you hard. That's called compassion!

Thank You Rosa: As the world mourns the passing of Rosa Parks, I would like to add my own small something. As the GLBT take on some of the same issues that African Americans had to face in some degrees more, and some degrees less, it's nice to be reminded of the induvidual moments, people, and places that defined the fight for true freedom in this land of the self expressed free . While Dr. King took a stand for us, we will remember that Rosa was the first to take a sit. And with that she sat the way to freedom, she sat the way to equality, She sat for her people to stand up and be heard. And for that, Mrs. Parks, I will forever be greatful. Now you will be able to take a seat next to our heavenly father and look down at how your couragous act set a people on the way to true equality and freedom. The acts of the "little people" can bring such big acheivements, and this is the very definition of such. Thank you Mrs. Parks. May the lord blessed your soul as you've blessed others here on earth.

Ok, sorry, that's it for now. I have to be up in 4 hours, so I better catch a few ZZ's. I love you all and god Bless. (Muah)

Jhoeny is such a lesbian.

Valerie, we known you are the original lesbo. BTW, found someone for you yesterday. Too bad you haven't called in a while.

I so need to clean my room


I need a friggen boyfriend.

MMMMM Judge Judy

Up yours Bush!

And your little dog too.Written by thomasdimera

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