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Earth is Sick
The earth is sick, people. The earth is very sick and is in need of heeling. And, it's my belief that the power of Love can heel the most sick of things. That's why I'm calling everyone to pull together and give love. Just love, before we are all doomed.

I would like to send a late, but still heartfilled prayer to all of those involved with the Katrina disaster. I could never imagine that one day I have a home, a family, a stability, and in the next I'm searching the rumbles of my home looking for one member of my family. The deeply soul saden photo's that I view on the internet, on the TV, and in the newspapers is enough to crush a person, and to be that person living it, it's just so much dispair. But, as with the September 11th tragedy that most of us still live with to this day, we are reminded of the good natured and loving people who immediate thought wasn;t " Aww those poor people", but was " What can I do to help those poor people" as was my thoughts. It's a blessing to be able to do something for people who really appreciate each and every thing afforded to them. So, I call on you reading this to do something. There are so many ways you can help these people. Money, Time, donations, survival kits. Any little bit can help. And after the hype is over, do something for someone locally. For the blessing of giving doesn't end when the hype is over and it DOES NOT END when a tragedy is emmenant. That elderly lady you see carrying groceries to her car. Offer a hand. That young crying girl at the bus stop. Offer her a shoulder. That wide eyed homeless person who only wishes to enjoy the taste of food for 15 minutes. Offer him a seat at you table and a chat. That person that has trouble making it to the mail box or to the garbage dump. Offer your legs. Just be welcoming and loving to your fellow man kind and trust me, you will be rewarded in ways you can't imagine. And of course, there are those like myself that are rewarded just to be blessed enough to offer someone something that many of us take for granted.

Now, an update on things in my life, and what directions I'm heading.

Mother of Mine: Imagine this. One day, you're enjoying music, Television, conversations, and life in general. You lay your head upon your pillow at night knowing that you have a long day a head of you starting with the sound of that alarm clock. Now imagine if you don't hear that alarm clock to wake you up. You wake up confused. You discover that the hearing problems you have had most your life are now a problem no more because you can no longer hear a thing. There's nothing but silence. Your life is changed overnight and a new lable has been placed upon you: Deafened. This is a reality for my mother. She has lost her hearing and the future doesn't look to kindly on her regaining it. I found myself totally sadden, but determined to make things as smooth as possible. I cried the first day, but I knew the job at hand. There are so many things that I have to change. Telephone, the front door, my communication style with my own mother. And I did it. I knew that I had to. My mother has done for me all my life and as in chinesse culture, I wish to show the ultimate of respect for my remaining parent, and I will do anything nessasary to aid her. She seems to be getting into a habit.

My lover's Gone: Kevin no longer lives in Indianapolis. He has headed west. When had very intense moment when we cried hard. We had some moments where I was convinced that I could go with him. Only, later, to realize that I really can't. I have been much more hurt and lost without him than I thought I would be. I mean, it started on the internet and I stupid mistake while my mother was on vacation. And it turned out to be something I feel that I may not be able to live without. He has called everyday since he's left. I upset myself by thinking " How long will this last?" . I find myself noteating, not taking care of myself at all. Cutting off communications with everyone. Why? I'm not sure. I just don't want to hear one more "I'm sorry Tommy" sorry about your mom, your boyfriend, your health. I'm just sick of hear that. I want to help people out and not worry about my own problems. I don't know. My thoughts are clear and blurry at the same time.

I will update in about two weeks. In that time, I have goals in mind and I will try so hard to live up to the goals I and my creator has set for me. Written by thomasdimera

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