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Feeling Quiet
Hearing Extreme- More than Words
Pride and Final

Hi. It's exhausted Tommy D. Updating again. Yay!

Celebrities I hate: Might as well start off on a soft note. I hate Katie Holmes, the annoying little crap chute! Ewww. And I hate Tom Cruise for dipping that low. Angelina Golie! Ewww, how disgusting. Ugh! Her only saving grace is the love she exhibits for her son, Mattox. That's just absoulutly beautiful. Ok, I don't hate her. But, she angers me. And Brad Pitt, never liked him, and I just hate him even more. George W Bush, that flying fuck! Ugh! Hilery Duff. Ew! Ugh, why can't she move away somewhere. Russia or somewhere! I'm sure she would make an excellent russian whore!

The Celebrities That I love: Paris Hilton. Lovez you so much. If only you weren't blonde, but that;s ok. If anyone, you make it hotttt! Ellen! Ellen Ellen ellen! Aye! Man, the name even gives me a certain sort of thrill! And your totally fabu mom, Betty! Yumsters all around. Eve. Oooo, my chocolate pudding pop. Mmmmmmmm. And, of course, who could forget Gwen. Holy mother of God. Ok, I'll just stop it!

Final. Finito. Fin. Ova.: Well, remember Kevin? Well, I'm trying not to. It's over. After he left marks on me, I thought hard about it. And I was going to call and try to reconcile, but I decided not to. It's so hard. There is no picking up from this one and moving on for me. My interest in men and woman have been depleted. And, as far as I can see, the same is true vice versa.

The Underlined Anger: Currently, I have such an anger. Some describe it as a bitterness twords, well, people. This hostility has yet to reach it's true boiling point, though it was truly tested at pride yesterday. It's the feeling that eventually, something will click in my mind. And, after that, who knows. I was really "bitter" after Kevin and I stoppedbeing. Then, I did some things to make it better. I tried reaching out to people. To those that hurt me over and over again. After reaching out, I got the same result. Being hurt. So, I tried to channel that anger into other things. Like, Working harder and more aggressivly at work, working harder and more aggressivly at activism, working harder and more aggressivly at family matters. All of which either went unacknowledged, unfavorable, or absoulutly backfire in my face. So, I'm left with just pure unadultrated anger. No outlet. Everything I try to relieve it turns into even more anger.

Love Is like a butterfly: Well, I forgot to tell everyone about Shawna's It was wonderful, yet personally painful for I knew that what is happening currently, was going to happen. First off, it was so beautiful. Justin Cried!!!!!!! Yeah. Tuff guy Justin cried his ass off as the vows were being read. It was a butterfly themed wedding and reception. The best part for me was when Mr. Miricle and Shawna had their father-daughter dance to a song called butterfly kisses. Awwwww. He gandered the strength to dance with her and that's the first and only time she actually cried and I don't think anyone wasn't crying at that moment. So, they took off on their honeymoon for two weeks. Since they've been back, I've talked to Shawna maybe twice. Yeah. But, like I said, i prepared myself for that to happen. I knew it was to come.

Pride 2005: It was there. Yes. It was fun to spend the day with my friend Valerie ( the only positive thing in my life right now), but I didn't like Pride too much. I'd rather be at a booth than to take part in it. The parade was absoulutly fabu! I still think that there should be a Gay Santa Claus at the end, but, whatever. lol. Then the festival afterwards was, well, what it was. Don't care to get into specifics. If anyone would like pictures of Pride parade and festival, I have about 40. I'm not a professional photographer like my brother, but I know how to point & shoot. Just email me at . Soon, I'll be updating my website soon I think, so, if you wanna wait, I'll but uploading them . And I know you all know the address to my beautiful website, but I'll put it down here anyways. . Also, someone asked me about the address to the bible quotes.

Ok, enough. Love you Valerie and Jhoeny. The rest of you, kiss my ass.
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