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Feeling Quiet
Hearing Watching the Amazing Race
And yet, I still stand
The hills are alive with the ound of me kicking your butt.
So, hey. Yeah, I decided to take a break. This will be a very messy entry but you know you have to be weird to be reading it anyways. So, ok, I guess I'll just go at this humorously. Subject to start each paragraph. Alrighty.
George Bubbyah: Still dislike you strongly. Thank you though for trying to save Terri Shraviol's life though. You would think with the way I was keeping up on this case, I would have learned her name. It sucks how people handled this though. I'm a pro lifer. Yeah, A gay liberal prolifer. And they say I'm complicated! Being a prolife, i felt that Terri should be kept alive and God would make the choice when she was to go. No man nor machine would prevent God from calling his angel. But, when they made the choice to kill Terri, that was not right. Not just to kill her, but to starve her to death for 14 fucking days while her family watched on! Give me a break. So, thank you George W. Bush for trying. Honestly, thank you.

Kerra Shithead: So, i love her. Big deal. Yeah, to me it was, but now, hmmm, not so sure. She doesn't give a shit. Ask her to do one single thing for me.....SHOW UP. Did she? No. She made the choice to get drunk at a bar. Yay for her. Went from my number one to my number 20 in one night. Well, what am I saying. It's the little things she didn't do over the past 2 years. Oh well.

March 8th 2005: So, a bunch of queers decided not to take shit from the bigots in Indiana. What do we do? Rally damnit, Rally! Under the brillant leadership of Pepper Partin, an Indiana Gay and Lesbian activist, we rallied on the steps of Indiana statehouse. it was amazing (And cold as hell). So, I got to yell at some bigots and I had planned to be even more active in protests and rallys. But, right after that a fell ill.

Sick Bitch: I've been ill for about a month straight. Yeah yeah. Go to the hospital they say. You may be deathly ill they say. Your point? So, what, I die. I don't have to deal with the sheer hate this world has. Not just twords gays. A friend of mine said I seem to focus on a lot of "gay issues" . Well, yeah, my friend is a fool. I care about anyone nd everyone who is being wronged. And yes, gays are being wronged big time right now. Thus, yes, I'm gonna focus on it. Esspecially since I happen to be gay you dumbass. Have someone come and tell you that you are not equal to others. That a fucking filthy child molestor has more rights than you will ever have being that you are a law abiding loving citzen. See if you will "focus" on your rights then. So, an angry little queer I be. So be it. And if it's time for me to die, so be it. Sickness is ok. Each time I get sick, I get stronger. Well, unless I die. So, yeah, no doctors needed.
Spring/Summer: FUCK! That's all I have to say. it draws all the stupid fucks and the hillbillies out. Guys walking around without their shirts. Girls wearing barly nothing. Makes me want to vomit. yet, they think they are the shit. Yeah, they're shit alright. Then, when the weather gets like this, people love to think that since they see me, that they wanna talk. " Wuz up man" "Hey" like i know these stupid people! Um, yeah, and then when I ignore them, all of a sudden I think I'm better than them. Or so they say. WTF ever. i don't think I'm better than other people. I'm just not going to start converstions with people I don't know when I'm doing something at that moment. If I had free time, to just sit and chat with new people, I would. And I'm working on making that happen, actually. But, right now, there's no time.

Pray For me: Been praying a lot. Yay. I feel so close to my lord honestly. Though my moods recently have been negative, I've not forgotten my mission, nor God. I've been doing so many prayers for so many people. It's just so uplifting to have this devine power to give the gift of prayer to others. I've actually gone thru a renewal. I used to pray for other people, and pray for myself as well. " God help so and so thru this and that. Also lord help me so and so thru this and that" But, for the last months, I've not asked anything of my lord for myself for I have everything a man could need. Love, Faith, and clarity of life. The ability to understand love in it's purest of forms and to know that God is love. Not hate, bigotry, and vengence as extremist would have us believe.

Ok, can I promise I will update within a week. No. I wish I could. I want to and I will try, but I can't promise anymore. I can promise an update within two weeks though. If I do not update within two weeks, I will take down this blog, my website, and everything, for it's no reason to keep things up if I can't update them. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. There's much more to say, but I have to get some sleep to enjoy another horrible day that the beautiful lord has blessed me with tomorrow.
Written by thomasdimera

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