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Ok, so at first it said Brad Pitt, and I just had to retake the test becaus eBrad Pitt is such a turn off. I'm sorry. I'm not a looks person and I don't get all into looks, but Brad Pitt just totally turns me off more than anyone. Guys with blonde hair, ick. And I hate blue eyes. And, he's like, all I hate looks wise wrapped into one. So, I changed one of my answers that I was questioning even before I seen the results and I got Mr. Sexy Orlando. So, yeah, back ground story to that quiz.

Hey People. Welcome to Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah. lol. Too bad I don't have shit to do this year. Oh well. I would rather stay at home, try to catch up on sleep and cleaning. There's always later to go places. I did write a poem, though, about Spring Break. I'll include it at the bottom.

OMG, peeps, Tommy has an obsession. This guy in one of my classes is so like, my soul mate. I swear. Everytime he talks, it's like, omg yippee!!!!! Kerra was supposed to help me get him, but noooooooooo, she's way too busy being pregnant and stuff like that. But oh well. I can't even concentrate in class because I'm in total Ah of this guy. I so need to do something. I don't know what, but something.

O, I guess you're wondering what's with Aaron. Well, Aaron has decided to get serious with one of his whores and wants to talk to me about it. I already know what he wants to talk about because he told his friend, Sara, who in turn told me. He thinks he's falling for this fag named Mike. I seen him. He looks like a girl. Ick. I guess since Aaron is bi, Mike would satisfy both sides. lol. Aaron was supposed to be here this morning to talk about things that he thinks I don't know about. He hasn't showed, which means he'll be over tonight to get one last fuck in before he calls it cold with us. I already have a speech waiting to go. " Aaron, I want you to be happy, and I understand that you and I are very compatible interpersonally and sexually, but you are starting to fall for Mike. I wish you well, I swear. Even with this, I'm glad I gave you my virginity and I will always love you for that. It's best that we both move on, I understand that. " Yay! OO, and no last roll in the hay.

Well, I'm going to starve myself all spring break so I can loose a little weight and come back from Spring Break in pursuit of my biggest crush! No time to be heartbroken over Aaron. Yes, he's a great lover and yes I started to fall in love, but come on, I need to get serious. I need to blah blah blah. Sorry, I'm going on.

((((((((((((((( Reality Tv Moment ))))))))))))))))))))))))

Omarosa was Fired from the Apprentice. lol. She annoyed me anyways. But, I think Kwame should have been fired, but oh well. Then, last night, Heidi was fired. That sucks. I really liked Heidi. But, I so hate Troy. Ugh. He looks like George W. Bush and I hate his accent and his ugh, I just don't like him.

Ok, so, on Survivor, Sue Hawk goes crazy (understandably) about Richard Hatch ( Fat Naked Gay Guy) rubbed up against her with his penis. He's a shame. It pissed me off that he scooped to that level. That's fucking nasty. Star Jones, from the view, said it best. " I would have punched him in his face" I liked Richard up to that point, but sexually violating anyone in anyform is unacceptable. Anyways, I hope Kathy wins. I've always loved Kathy.

So, surprize surprize, on Average Joe, the girl choosed the "hunk" over the Average Joe, AGAIN. This time was different, because the "beauty" got dumped by the "hunk" because she told him she dated Fabio at one point in her life. Durrrrr. So, Milinda, "the beauty" didn't choose the guy who proclaimed his love for her, and was so sweet to her. She choose the guy that said he's only there to be an actor. Stupid stupid stupid.

((((((((( END REALITY TV MOMENTS))))))))))))))))

sO, YEAH, I guess that's it for now. Here's the Spring Break Poem.

Yippee Yippee, Spring Break is here
Now all the parents say " Oh Dear"
For us students, we want relaxation and fun
And Going to flordia, for the sun
Or Spending our 'rents cash in Vegas at the slots
Or thumbing thru "Teen People" in Cancun on a Yacht
There are those of us, who give our 'rents a scare
You know what I speak of, and don't act as if it's rare.
Girls Gone Wild, Boys on Break, just to name a few
We can pretend that those are actors, and not really true.
But imagine my surprize two years ago, when my friend, Amber, came to me
"Hey Tommy. How's it going? I got something for you to see"
Bouncey Bouncey, Laughs and cheers, Imagine my surprize
To see my catholic friend flashing, Ooooh my concern then rised
What were you thinking, oh my god have you gone insane
" It's just a movie Tommy. Don't be so Plain"
I didn't want to see you, in that kind of way
And you didn't even bother to tell me you were, um, well.. gay
" She was just pretending. I didn't go that far
That was just clever editing, and way too many at the bar"
So she talked and talked to calm me down just a little bit
By the time I finished preaching, she didn't seem to give a ........ Care.
So, I come to you today, to preach a bit to you
Go have fun on Spring Break, but please get a clue
We're young and happy and peaceful, and smart I must say
But one mistake on Spring break, may bite you in the butt one day.
Think of your 'rents viewing your bits, pieces, and things
Or your boss executive saying your fired Because he seen your nipple rings
Or your future spouse with shock in her face
See you dangling there in some far exotic place.
I'm not saying to cover up and be ashamed of yourself
Just don't think it'll be a secret untill your untimely Death
All actions have consequences and please remember this
Fun now in 2004, could be 2014 diss
Happy Spring break everyone, have fun with yourself or your crew
Come Back with love and respect for yourself, and don't regret the things you do

Thomas C-J Williams (DiMera) March 10th 2004

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