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Did you miss me? Yeah yeah. Been busy and stuff. Well, let's get my life all out so you can print it out for tomorrow's headlines of your city news paper. I hate starting off with this subject, but Cory and I have been back on speak terms again. Yes, I know we made an agreement and all, it's just that he can't resist Well, he and I hugged and kissed one night because we were both like totally depressed, but that's it. The day after we never brought it up. SO, I guess we're back on as friend. Damnit, why can't I just let it go. I really do not find him attactive at all, he's an ass, and he's dumb. Geezus.
Well, anyways, enough about skinny boy. Bullitin, bullitin! This just in. I've gained 700 pounds! Yay.
I'm kinda pissed off that I haven't been able to work out for so long, but I started back yesterday. God, it's getting harder to maintain my health and it sucks. I hate getting older. I'm freaking 19 and it's sso dep[ressing thinking about getting older. It's actually scary. Have you ever sat down and wondered, "Where will I be in Five years?" I'm just glad that I won't end up like most people because I feel I have a higher understanding of life. I enjoy every second of my life. Hell, since I last talked to you guys, I've gotten a ticket, my grandmother passed, my spring break was ruined, my mother has been very ill, I put on too much weight, I've lost my best friend, I've been publically humilated by someone I thought was my friend, found out my cat is dying, and my school life is uncertain. But everyday I manage to find something to make me smile. Something to make me say, I can go on. Yes, I cry, and yes I get bummed. But the key is to think of others less fortunate than you and get the fuck over yourself. I'm happy to be alive, and I'm happy to make other people happy. And I'll continue to try to do so for the rest of my life. I love you all.

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