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Yealp, it's flu season, and I got it. But I got up the energy to talk to you peeps.
So, in the Tom news. Cory was sent to jail. He was busted for possession He had "X" on him and other things. Well, he has to learn his lesson. Right now he's out on bail and stuff and he has to go to court and stuff. I'm torn on weither I should even support him on this. Drugs are not something that I like to be associated with. Esspecially stuff like "X" . Ever since he's got out on bail, he's been very distant not only to me, but to everyone. Everyone except Cheryl. She thinks I haven't noticed her spending more time around him. But, whatever. I have no love for Cory. Friendship. That's all. And of course, with Cheryl being the one I lost my virginity with, it's hard not to care about her. Ooooooo, I'm such a fucking doormat. I used to be so visious and strong and now I'm just I dunno. It's so hard loosing pieces of yourself and not even noticing they are gone. Sucks.
Well, my mom is totally loosing herself as well. First off, she let me dye her hair. Yeah, Ms. Conservative republicain let me dye her hair reddish like. Yeah. Then she's like using potty words which is unlike her. And she talks about sex with me. Eventhough it's mainly about straight sex, I know she means well. She's acting weird. I hope she doesn't flip and kill the whole family and bury us in the back yard.
Well, Today, I hit a guy with my car. He was in his truck. Well, it was a little tap. But he got out, started to say something, stopped himself, looked at his back bumper, seen that it was no damage, then got back in his car. I was like, OMG< what's happening. Esspecial seen yesterday I cut off a cop when I was doing 73 on the high way. I though he was going to stop me, but he didn't. I've been stopped four times and never got a ticket. I'm just having a rough year. I am just waiting for my Mexician man to sweep me off my feet and take me away from this dumb life. Ugh. I'm going to get drunk eventhough I don't drink. Till next time my dears!

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