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Happy New Year!!!!! SOUL GOALS ARE IN.

 So here we are 2021 Soul Goals. I'm 7 days into my new year. Here we go. Remember, yall gotta help me out. 

1) I will take at least 2 trips this year. 

2) I will start a 30 minute weekly live show. This will be silly and inspiring.  Very amateur.  No special effects or performances.  

3) I will get back financially fit. Had a rather rough 2020 as many and I had to draw from my savings and had to take out some credit which brought my credit score down some. I want to boost it back up 60 points and get my savings back up to a more comfortable  level. 

4) I will not go through a drive thru or fast food pick up without paying for the person behind me. It's nice to pay it forward, but I have a darker motive. I think this will reduce my going to fast food knowing it will cost me more. 

5) I want to use my words more effectively.  Maya Angelou  had beautiful  theories  on using words and how intelligence  comes with not having to use curse words to convey passion and energy even in disagreement.  Basically,  I need to watch my potty mouth. 

6) I have to take seriously and make plans for my final arrangements  here on earth. Time is going fast and it's not plentiful in my case so I want to ensure my final bang will live up (no pun intended) to the life I lived. 

7) Last year Covid hit and shut down my ability to go to church.  MaKayla Bae Lee  died. At that point I lost so much love and passion for God. I've made no secret. God and I have not been on speaking terms . That hurt me so much and without the back up of church I've just been adrift in my commitment  to my higher power. I want to really deal with this and get back connected to God and Church.  I am lucky I have a church that does not judge, does not tell you what to think and does not define what your relationship with God should be. They give you options and guidance,  but do not do the nasty stuff others have. It's just me coming to terms with what happened and actually seek it in the arms of my higher power.

8) I did good with weight loss last year. Very proud of that. That's why the weight loss goal isnt number one. But I still wish to continue the trend. 40 pounds and 10% body fat down  is the goal this year. 

9) I want to get serious with finding my forever home with a man who I can say I love and he loves me. In that process I've made some big goals. I want to write letters of apologies  to all I've ever dated. Rather or not they will see them is up in the air. But it's time that I make sure I take some personal responsibility  for whatever happened and just 100% close those chapters. Also......... I have again deleted Grindr and Adam4adam.  I wasnt very active on that anyway but it did get me to do some things out of character for me. I dont ever want to deny my sexuality and how I'm still basically a horny teenage years after being out my teens. Sexual relations is great. But it's not filling me the way I need to feel complete. If I focus more on what I want rather than temporary  satisfaction,  I think I will get to my goal of true love sooner. I am still going to do it though. Lol. And until I meet my true love, I may still need to get with my FWB or a few FWB that i already know but no more of the Causual encounters ( there were not many at all. But there were several) with people i do not really know. I am proud i was able to stretch my sexual being. But it's just not what the end game looks like for me. And of course this one gets the biggest paragraph.  🥴🥴🥴

10) . It's my journal 

 I keep saying I will put my deep thoughts there and leave thos facebook for quick notations on my life and funny stuff. Well, going to really strap down on this and update it at least once a week and leave facebook as I said I would. 

So there you go. Tagging a few people who have said they would help me with these or I think would help me. But everyone feel free to leave feedback and if you have goals you want to meet allow me to help you where I can.

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