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This day was rough

It seems like everything that could have went wrong today did. 

Had one client today. I think I did not give her a good experience.  Was grocery  shopping on behalf  of Instacart  today, and the store assigned was lacking a lot of things for her order. I kept in contact . Her and I got some acceptable replacements.  Fine. 

When I went into the store  it was extremely  sunny with only a few Sirius clouds in the sky. So I crack my windows ever so slightly to try not to come back out to a totally steamed car. As i walk back out of course its storming with horizontal rain. The inside of my car got it good, along with clients groceries  , my client book. And my hair and clothes. Rushing back I slipped and hurt  my back even more than it already had been hurting.  So after just one client today I went home to dry off . 

I wanted a drink so bad. But i made a choice not to drink. I do not have a problem with drinking but it's been a good outlet for me during this psychotic  Covid19 crisis . 

Tomorrow will be better. I'm taking the day off to do some more body healing. Have to catch up on some other things.  I am trying to be more social and less money oriented.  Got a few awesome friends who want to hang out. Just time to plan time. 

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