My Endorsements! It's my favorite time of year again!!!!!! ELECTION SEASON! Usually by now, I would already have decided who I was voting for and endorsing, but this year we have the power to change so much and there are sooooo many qualified people running that I just had to do extensive research on each canidate. Now, these endorsements are only for the Primary Elections coming up on May 6th. Now, being that I am NOT a republican and not a democrat, my endorsment are based soley on the extensive research and moral soul searching I've done over the last several months. Now, I was going to call channel 6 directly and let them know of my endorsements, but rioting and all that would soon follow, so I have decided to do them in this way. Now, since I am more of a democrat than I am a republican and in the primaries you must make a choice, my endorsements are for the democrats. But, I would like to send a message to my republican friends about the 7th district seat for Congres...
Free flowing journal entries of a Gay Black American Male. Thomas Williams (DiMera) (B.K.A. Tommy D.) was born January 11th 1986 in Indianapolis Indiana to John Thomas Williams & Debra Deloise Evans . Tommy was relocated to small town Rome Georgia where he recieved most of his education and social skills. Moving back to Indianapolis in 1997 he has since documented his experiences in coming into his own as an adult male with a mission of allowing others to know they are not alone.