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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Rundown, Repost, and Regulars Current mood: calm Category: Friends
So many things to discuse and unfortunatley, i've let things pile up. I've not been on for a while trying to build myself up again and all that. So, heres a run down.

Today, as like the last 6 years, I will repost my annual thank yous from last year. The Thank yous are something i do every year (7 years now) at new yearsday, reflecting on year past, and giving thanks to the people wh impacted my life. But you knew that, right?

Now, i still owe a special Julia blog, which i will do Friday along with a full update on my life. So mark that day on your calenders. I actually uploaded a video of the whole Julia thing, but its basically the events of the funeral and me trying to speak while crying like a baby, so a blog is more fitting.

Then of course on New Years day, i will post the 2007 thank yous (last couple of years, i've been late,but i will do my best this year). Okay, then on the 11th is my 18th birthday (evil look), so you guys need to plan something. Ok, on with the repost of the 2006 thank yous.

<>><><><><><><><><><>repost 2006 thankyous<><><><><><><>

Saturday, January 06, 2007 My Time to Cry. Current mood: contemplativeCategory: FriendsNow, let us begin. But first, a quick update on a few things. So, the imfamous Kenny and I made up. Yeah. Listen to this, peeps, I actually had an adult conversation with him. For a wekk, I did the childish thing. Being angry with him, shunning him, being a total bitch to everyone. Then, on New Years eve, my ex booked a hotel room for me because of reasons I care not disclose here. Well, he had booked it at the begining of December and things didn't work out like he hoped so he said I could have it. Besides the point. So, who did I spend New Years eve with in a hotel. Yeah. Kenny. Stupid me you say? No no no. It was a chance for us to just relax and talk some things thru and I'm eternally greatful we did. I will discuse all that next blog, but I really have to get these thank yous done. So, ok, lets start with my resoulution. Now, I thought long and hard about these this year and I'm dead serious now. I am looking to my friends to please help me maintain them.

1. The Classic- I have a goal for 40 lbs this year. I know that will put me down to 65 pounds. LOL. But, yeah, I'm very committed to that one.

2. The Lord - I MUST MUST MUST reconfirm my commitment to the lord and living my life as Jesus did here on earth with compassion,love, strength, and purity. Also commit myself to the teaching of buddhist . Priciples of kindness and positivity. I have got to become more spiritual and prepare for what is to come and what has already arrived.


4. The Cure- I need to start to really really really limit or even eliminate my Poker gambling habit. I start to count the amout of money I put into Poker and the amount I give to charity. I shamed myself to death and this year, this WILL change. The lord has blessed me with a promotion and I will be damned if I'm going to show up to heaven and say to him that I spent it to get a royal flush.

5. The Ties- This is the year I will finally put to rest all of my old commitments that did nothing but bring me down. I will devote my energy to my friends and family and those ex bfs, husbands, firsts, friends that held me back will be let free . 6. The truth- I've not been totally honest with people. I've never lied. But I withhold a lot of stuff. From this journal even, to my friends in the "real world" and it's time that I disclose everything. I've held stuff back for far too long and the truth shall set me free right? Ok, the thank you. Same disclosure as the last 5 years. For all the new peeps, this is my annual thanks for people in my life in the previous year, 2006, that made a great impact on my life for the year. There's no negative here, and if you're not mentioned, you should have had more of a presence in my life ( or been more positive) so no complaints, and no apologies given. These are in no particular order, and these are truly sincere and from my heart.debra e my mother- Thank you so much for yet again leaning on me as I leaned on you. This year we had a few scares, shed a few tears. You're still and always will be my favorite mom. I love you. "L" My sister- thank you for still being and excellant big sister and a great friend. It's truly awesome how we can just sit together and talk about stuff eventhough you sometimes share too much. LOL. Love you though. Chris W my brother of equal day- You've been a rock yet again in 2006. Sure you never hardly call and pretend that I don't exist. lol. But I love you with such a great love and understand. As when we were younger, it's us against them always. Will my big brother- Thank you for trying and continuing to be a big brother faults and all. I hope my beating you in chess doesn't upset you too much."L" Jr my too old niece- Thank you so much for being so supportive to me and opening your big mouth to allow me to see how my family would react to the whole me with a permanet guy in my life. You need to stop growing up so fast, but I love you crazy goose. Grandma Gene my dear- Thank you so much. It was a year filled with very stressful times and you always set the example of faith and love. Never shall I doubt, never shall I drift. Thank you for being the example the world should follow.Kevin I, the love of my life- Thank you so much for being there in those nights on the phone whenI needed you bad. Thank you for being my friend thru it all. Sam H, the trouble causer- Sam, to you I do say thank you. You felt so good when you did what you did to me. Keeping with the no negative theme, I realy do appreciate how you made me feel good about myself. The afteraffect of what happened after sucked, but you did provide me with temporary happiness for which I'm greatful. Brandi H, my super non ex look like Uma bestfriend- HOW MUCH CAN A MAN THANK A WOMAN. You are soooo awesome and I think you are the very very best thing to happen to me in 2006. You're a true friend and I will love you forever. You have your faults and you're not affraid to tell me mine. Looking back at all that happened with you and happened with me, I will be greatful for all of my life to you. Valerie M, the My lesbian Grace- Three word. I friggen love you. Yes, you deserve an extra word. Valerie, you are my best friend for sure. Spending time with you at pride yet again. Spending time with you on the phone and making me feel sooooo friggen good. YOu just don't know Valerie how much I appreciate you. I am sorry that I don't show it enough. If I didn't have your stability (no that's not a joke), love, honesty, and friendship in my life, I wouldn't exist. You are the foundation of me and I love you so much, it's almost to the point of me being a breeder. And there's nothing worst than a breeder, right. LOL. Love you with all my heart Val. Dan V E, the biggest pain in my ass and not literally- Thank you so much for being a friend to me through it all. We have had our moments, lord is that ever true. I hope you know I'm trying hard and I can see that you are trying hard too. I love you. Like I've said always. friends for life damnit. And never doubt that. Dan H my stupid str8 friend who I can't help to love- Thank you for your commits that you upheld to me this year. And for what is about to happen in 2007, thank you in advance. Dan, you'e such a great guy and I only want what's best for you. You've shown me such friendship since the fist love of my life in High school, to the last of them. Thank you so much. Alpha B,my bossman and my friend- Thank you for being a jerk (lol) but a great person to bounce stuff off of. Kenny F, my love that could never be- Your are one of the top two things that happened to me in 2006. Eventhough somehow I'm your biggest regret. You are everything I could have wanted in a spouse and eventhough it will never be, You're still the best thing in my life right now. Thank you so much for always being real, living with faith, and never changing who you are eventhough so many try so hard to change you. You are my Derrick. lol. I love you sooooooooooo much and thank you for everything. Jordan C, My secret lover- Jordan, you are such a beautiful woman inside and out. You've been so awesome to me and I thank you so much for always inviting me everywhere and for just being my friend. Thank you for sharing your boyfriend too. J/K. I swear I will finally get you your gift card. I'm such a slacker.Paula, My mistress- Thank you so much for making me happy when times get rough and thank you for giving me adult advice that really has made me think and change. I love you ooo mistress. Dewey B, My old friend who;s now with the lord- Thank you so much for being just a great person. I lost you in physical in 2006 but your memory plays in my mind all the time. I know you're laughing your ass off as I still try to find that " somebody that'll have me" . Life was great when I would speak with you. Now Dewey, if you could please pause on making the Angels up there laugh their asses off so they can help me find that one in 2007, that would help me out old buddy. I would love to prove you wrong. I love you Dewey and miss you so much!Ok, I will conclude on that. It took me literally 9 hours from the first word typed till the last to finish this. Well, I feel asleep and then when I woke up, I started typing about these peeps and I had to call all of my family as I wrote of them. Lol. So, thank you all for your support this year and God loves and bless each and every one of my beautiful friends and each and every one of my gorgous family members.

Currently listening : Noel By Josh Groban Release date: 09 October, 2007

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