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Ok, first off, don't you dare start yelling at me. I've been, like, way way more busy than you';ll ever know. And, to pour salt in the wound, this will have to be short because this is the forth annual repost of last years 3rd annual Thank You's. I know all of you were waiting for the thank yous. well, just like the previous three years ( damn I been doing this journal for too long. hee hee hee) I will post the current year's thank you on New Years Eve, New years Day, or up to three days after New Years day. So, check back again.
So, Let me update with the current stuff. Geez, so much has happened. i had a boyfriend. His name is Kevin. He's the one I had a "fling" with earlier this year when my mother went out of town and i was totally depressed. Well, we declaired ourselves official, and that when shit just went down hill. I'd say about two weeks after we started offically dating, he was saying he loved me. I mean, he would honestly turn to me and say "I love you so much" and I'm like, damn, isn't that a little fast.. of course I didn't say that out loud. so, basically, I didn't say it back, but I didn't make a big deal out of it. So, we continue on, and one night, and I don't know what it is, but we were having sex. OMG, were we having sex. I mean, it was the most passionate sex I'd ever had. I mean, the kind of sex Buffy and Spike had that tore down the whole house. I mean, it was just something about that night and it felt so fucking good. And it last for at least 45 minutes. Unfortunatly, during that time, as he was doing me he says it again. " fuck, I love you tommy" and anyone who has had sex with me ( And lets be honest, not many and Cole, I don't care what you think, I've not had many ) knows that I'm rather, um, vocal. LOL. Anyways, I just instictly said "love you too" and i sooooooo didn't mean it. But,it was feeling sooooooo friggen good. Anyways after it was over, we both collasped in pure exhaustion. i slept for literally 10 1/2 hours. No joke! So, when I woke , he was gone and I had to get home, so we never dicused it. Well, a few more weeks of him saying he loves me, and me not saying it ( eventhough sex was still great. ) . We finally talked about it, and he was totally understanding how I'm not there yet, and he said he is. he said he loved me from the moment he met me. Yadda yadda. The words I've longed to hear, but I'm not going to lie to him or myself. so, we called off the wedding. LOL. But we remain good friends. He still hangs out with me. Who knows, maybe we will be together again. I just need some getting to know you time. On that subject, we went out the other night to a fag club. Yeah, Kevin works at one, so he's getting me into the club scene, but I don't like it. Anyways, him and i were dancing and I put my hands in his pants as we're dancing close, and it wasn't on his penis and It wasn't like crazy. It was just a joke because I love his butt. lol. Anyways, we were kicked out! i was so pissed. i could see if I didn't know him or something. Whatever.
So, ok, I will update fully later. I have to fit this repost in. Love you. I have so many people to talk about, and I will. promise. No boyfriend now, so i really have the time. i think I will give you a full post after I post the 2004 Thanks yous on New Years.

((((((((((((((((( REPOST 2003 THANK YOUS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hello people, and what a beautiful new year it is. There’s nothing much going on in my life, so I’ll get to the Thank you’s you just a second. I would like to invite you all, if you haven’t already, to go see my web site. I’m so proud of it. Some people say it’s corny, but some people have im’ed me saying it’s ok. Yay. The address is So, Kerra is the weirdest person ever. Yeah. Lol. But I cant help but to love her. The other day, she apparently read my journal, and she says to me ( apparently from just reading my blog) “ It’s nice to see I’m important” . WTF? I read my entire journal blog three times to figure out what I did. I was like, um, ok. But, then, the next day she said sorry and blah blah blah. And I started thinking, geez I love her. Hee hee. I think it’s one of those woman things. Not pms, but you know how a guy can say “ Honey, you look beautiful today” and then the woman turns and says “ O, so it’s only today you fucking jerk” . Oh Well. Do you remember Cole? The one that ‘I’ve hated and loved and hated and loved. Well, I love him now. Hee hee. Recently, he’s been very sweet to me, and it’s annoying as hell, but I go with it. I don’t trust him, though, for some reason. Well, that’s not true, I know why. He doesn’t trust me, so how am I to trust him. But, we’ll see where it goes. Yadda. Okay, resolutions. I discussed them with my niece today. 1 Finally have a guy or girlfriend spend a night over my house. I’ve never done this. I’ve always went to their house, or if they do come over here, I always do what I do, and send them away. I think it’s time that someone spent the whole night at my house.2 Weight loss, of course. Though, I did well last year. 3 Work on my pride. I haven’t been meeting the pride minimum recently, and that sucks major china toes. One thing included in that is that I must “ come out” to the only person in the world who doesn’t ( or just pretending not to) know I’m bisexual.That’s it. Everything else, I’ve accomplished. Okay, time for the thanks. Like every year, I would like to remind every that I’m not perfect and there are some people that I may forget. And, in all honesty, it’s your fault if you’re forgotten. I’m always online, and if I don’t know you from online, you have my cell and home phone number. So, don’t give me your bullshit because I didn’t mention you.

Magnolia my dearly departed grandmother- I’ve thanked you always. You gave me a sense of style, class, and substance at an early age. You taught me that beauty can always be retrieve because it’s in the eye of the beholder. You lived your life with such grace and dignity. The love and joy that you got from the most simple of things you passed on to me. I now see the beauty in everything in this world. Having you as a grandmother was and is the one of the best things I’ve could have done, even though I didn’t have much part in it, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. On your death bed, for the brief moments you regained consciousness, you were upset at the fact that you looked ashy and you made the comment “ Y’all got me looking like an alligator” . It was a simply statement, but it had so much meaning to me. You lived your life keeping up appearance. You say to me, if you look good, you feel good. You really made me realize to live life with grace and a sense of style and class to boot. Thank you not only for the time I had with you in 2003, but for the love you’ve given me over all my life, and the values I hold dear to me for the rest of my life. From the beginning of my life, till the very end, you shall be with me. Thank you.

Debra my Mother- Thank you for your continued support. Hopefully, after this year you will continue to support the bi me.

“L” my sister- You big Lesbian penis lover. Thank you very much for supporting and accepting me. You have had a bad year I know, but you continue to strive and overcome all adversities to provide the best possible life for you and your child, and I want to thank you for supplying me with a great sense of endurance.

Will my brother- Thank you for some laughs in 2003. There isn’t much to be thankful for with you, but there’s at least on.

“L” Jr. my niece- You grew up in just a year and you are now teaching me things about the young generation, as am I teaching you about how to improve it. You were the first family member to know about me being bi, and I feel with your help, now the whole family, except my mother of course, knows and accepts. You’re fabu.

Kerra Earls Glaze DiMera- Like a light in the darkness that was my life, you appeared. You’ve single handedly stopped me from going into a major depression and you boosted my self esteem 1000% within one month of knowing you. Even though our relationship tanked ( LOL ) , you’re like one of the bests friend I or anyone that knows you can have. You are beautiful with class, sweet with ambition, intelligent with substance. I not only thank you, but I thank god for sending me an angel such as yourself. If I didn’t have you, life would be such misery. I do believe I found my soul mate in you. Soul mates don’t always have to be lovers or boyfriend and girlfriend. Just the person you were meant to know and know the rest of your life. Thank you so much for being, well, you Kerra. I love you.

Queen Shawna Miricle- Ooooooo, Shawna. If you’re reading this, you’re probably calling me to curse me out about Kerra, but of course you’ll understand because honestly you understand me more than any woman on the earth. You have defiantly been very helpful to me. I would die without you as well. We make the best team. To bitches against the world. Ever since 6th grade. I love you with all my heart and thank you so much for not going to California.

Andrew Hernandez- You ass! We’ve known each other for a very very very long time now. We’ve had are up ups and our not so up ups. But, you basically helped me be the strong person I am. Our sometimes senseless, pointless conversations, and out serious life conversations has kept me in touch with myself and life in general. You did say some very hurtful things, but here is not the time to bring negative. I must say, there has been more positive and I love and thank you for continuing to be my friend and potential father of my kids

Trenton Cole Pilgrim- You whore! You always have a knack for making me experience a roller coaster ride from my very own room. Our on again off again friendship has tested my endurance and my motto of life that “ Everyone is beautiful. Somehow, some way. And it’s not their job to show you why, it’s your job to seek it out” and I want to thank you for once again proving me right. J You’re such a beautiful person. It’s nice to know there are people in this world with some type of personality and something under just the cute face and the sex. You’ve made me happy to be who gay and thank you for your continued patients with me when I sometimes do things that are odd, stupid, or just plain mean.

Cory Hayden- Why would I thank you? Well, you were there when I needed you and you knew exactly what to do to comfort me. You do understand me so well, it’s sometimes scary. Thank you for loving me and allowing me to love you while we were together. Though we’ve parted, you’ll always hold a certain spot in my heart.

Cheryl Austin- You still won’t tell me what you did with my virginity when you stole it. Hee hee hee. Well, Cheryl, this year was one of complete pain and pleasure with us. We had real test to our friendships and we seem to have made it out ok. The greatest gift I had this holiday season was you making a surprise visit from Kentucky with your baby . People swear he looks like me, but he’s not mine. ( damnit! ) LOL. But I’m happy you’re getting your life back together down in Kentucky and thank you for all you have given me this year.

Aaron- Thank you so much for being the first guy. Hee hee. It’s okay that we aren’t married by now (Damn you) but, you’re one of the best friends that I could ask for. You’re so tender and loving towards me. Thank you for the great year and may many more come to us being close. You can take my gay virginity again and again if you want. Love ya.Bridgett R. - You saved my ass in 2003 and I gotta thank you. You are still in love with Cory, I can feel it. Hee hee. But, I love you and it’s great that we continue to be friends even after all the shit. I am hoping in 2004 we can get more close.

Booger My dearly departed cat- You spent a lot of years with me, and I know you are in Kitty heaven chasing some tail. Damn, should have had you neutered while you were down here. Love you Booger, and thank you for the companionship.

Antwain- Thank you for your continued support and friendship. You have never made a promise you haven’t kept. Lots of love to you.

Bobby- Thank you so much for helping me threw some embarrassing and stupid questions and situations. Though you nearly broke my arm, you’ve been a superb friend.

Dan- Thank you for giving me orgasms without even touching me. You come by my house just to tease me, but it’s ok. Thank you for being so funny and always picking up my spirits when I’m down.

Beyoncee Knowles- Thank you for teaching me that dance that I now do all the time, yet everyone says I suck at it. Lol. Okay, that’s a wrap for this years. Goodbye 2003. You’ve been a rough year, but hey, at least I didn’t die. Written by thomasdimera

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