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Hello my loved ones. That week went by so quickly.
Well, Friday at 1:36 pm my grandmother passed away. I know it seems like I have three thousand grandmothers. I actually have, had, a total four. My biological grandmothers are on my dad's side who died. She was the one with breast cancer and had a massectimen. Then, there is my very sweet grandmother that lives down in Georgia. She's my mom's mom. Super sweet. Then, my oldest brother and my sister who are from my mother's first marriage has a grandmother. She's the one that passed on Friday. I was more close to her than my grandmother on my biological father's side. She taught me everything about fashion and just as sweet as my grandmother in Georgia. Then, if you guys can remember way back, my boyfriend I had during High school, Joshua, his grandmother and I are super close as if I were her grandson. Even after Jsoh and I broke up, we still continued out relationship. SO, that's my family for you.
Okay, starting to get depressed, but my grandmother is at peace now, I know. So I should feel a little better for that. I just hope that when I get the results from my doctor about the issue I spoke of Tuesday they will be a positive thing. All this dissappointment is killing me.
I lost Andrew for good. He spoke ill of me behind my back, and I found out. He's explination was a laugh, which I totally hate when people make light of my feelings. So, I just closed that chapter in y book. No sucide. Just closure. He was the most important person in my life for a very long period of time. The way Cole explained it, though, is that any feeling that you develope over the phone or an interent connection is purely inaduquite and false. Though Cole's view on it is pretty much being validated at this point, I still have my stand on the issue. I'm a person who gets to know the person, and I feel that is you are truthful about who you are with your communication, there can be a development of feelings and attchments. I take my old best friend Rosie and her boyfriend, soon to be husband, Dan. They are two people who really got to know each other over this silly thing called the internet. The love was then made even greater when they meet and moved near each other. It was not the face to face meeting that caused this great attachment and lov. It was the truthful communication between both people. Dan got to see how pure and loving ROsie was and vice-versa. Thus, the love, as in any situation, continues to grow with time. I never thought I would look up to a person way younger in age than I, but to those two I look up. It's so hard to find love, and when you can find it even over a phone connection and make sacrafices and adjustments to make that love work, it's truely inspiring. Eventhough Rosie and I are not close anymore, I charish everything she has taught me. I love learning from people who I come in contact with.
Okay, feeling poetic. :-) Opening my heart, and even my life through this blog is so easy for me. I think people can learn from my silly ramblings. I've been critisized for my openiness. I still continue to open my life to people because I know that even if I can get one person like me to say " WOw, I'm not alone" or "Damn, I'm not that bad, look at this guy" or " Wow, that's a philosiphy I can use to make my life better" , I feel the greatest satisfaction. I've gotten a few responses from people on this silly internet thing saying that they understand or can relate to some things that I say. From the Virginity battle, to the suicide issues, to the silly horniness moments. I'm glad to share things with all of you.
Well, I will be updating this a little more often since I have even more understanding about my life. :-D But for now I have to get back to my friend Karra, who is the most loving person in the world. Could it be love? Hmmm, you never know. lol. But rest assure, it'll be placed in this blog. My next blog will be Saturday Night.
In Other News
Arnold is Govenor? Ewww.
Orange Juice helps aid male PMS.
I wish to shake my booty.
Karra loves baking Cakes. I love just stirring the batter. Shawna does the whole process too much.
You're not supposed to get that last sentence unless your nae was mentioned.
Gotta clean my room.
I love you grandmother Magnolia. I'll miss you. God Bless.

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