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Well, hello my dear friends. Told you I would update soon. Well, I am.

So, up today is my addiction to Lady Gaga.

Monday, tickets to her show went on sell. I had been planning to see her for a very long time. I love her as a performer. All my planning, though, did nothing to incorporate the medical things that happened last month. Long story short, I did not have enough money in the end to get the tickets for her show in Indianapolis in July.

This sadden me greatly. I'm not one to be sad about what I don't have and what I can't have. Nor, do I cry over little things as concert tickets or things like that. In fact, I've not wanted to see a concert since I was 18. So, when I determined that I would not be able to attend, yes I did get upset to the point of tears flowing from my eyes.

This puzzled some. I guess I was puzzled with myself as well. How could I be so upset about not being able to see Lady Gaga?

Well, I don't have an answer for that. But I do have an answer to why I love her artistry. She's different. She's fresh. Her music has inspired me to get off my fat butt and dance. Her video's are beautiful pieces of art. Some see a woman with weird outfits and weird hair and they say, " Whacko, psycho, slut" . But some see the symbolism in the smallest of things and are able to see outside of the shocking things that aren't shocking at all.

Her music speaks to me just as a sermon from my beloved Pastor Jeff. Bad Romance, I had that. Alejandro.... well, that was the name of my first love. Teeth... I enjoy vampirism. Ask any of my ex'es. A bite is better than a kiss anytime. Pokerface..... Look, I can go on. But these are songs I can relate to.

Lady Gaga shows talent, independent thinking mixed with sexuality, sensuality, and heartbreak and passion. The things that fire us up in life.

One isn't always sexual, or sensual or ect., but to have an avenue to express that and have it be expressed in an art form, it's like a sigh of relief.

I'm a man with deep morals, and I'm sometimes criticized that I like Lady gaga's art. But, her art does not make me want to go out and kill a lover, or go to a bath house and perform sexual acts. I'm human, and yes sometimes I have sexual wants, but it's my morals that keep me in the right. Lady gaga's art is not affecting me in the way of me acting on some of the things she speak of. God is bigger than Gaga in my life.

So , I do love Lady Gaga. I do love the moral person I am. I am sad not to be able to attend in July. Not, it does not make me less of a Christian to enjoy her. And July 15th, I will weep some more knowing that I can not see her in concert, but I'm okay with it and I understand that there are more important things in the world. I'll just be at home dancing to every single song she puts out.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chess. It's a beautiful day here in Indianapolis. Lots of sun, lots of nature, and lots of shirtless guys. lol.

We are preparing for some of my family members from Georgia to come for a visit this week. I'm super excited.

Well, i'm off to work. Love you all and God bless.

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