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Showing posts from December, 2008
The repost of Last Year’s Thank Yous Current mood: refreshed Category: Friends Hey Guys. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and if you didn't to hell with it, there's next year and you'll make up for it. Now, I have a lot of things to discuses but I can't because like the last 8 years, I have to get to the repost of the previous years "Tommy Thank Yous" Yes, I know. Calm down people. I know you are so excited. It's my biggest tradition on my blog. I've been doing my thank you for more than eight years, actually, but I've been putting them here on a blog since 2001. It's a very thoughtful and time consuming process where basically I get down to the raw core of my soul and type it out here. Well, I just want to do I quick rundown of what happens. I repost, then on new years (and most of the time I'm a little late, so make it the 3rd maybe) I give my annual thank yous to all the people in my life that year (2008) and then...
This is a really quick blog about just stuff in general. Yay! Okay, well, I don't know where to begin. Last night I had a sorta date. Well, my friend (name withheld pending permission) asked if I would like to go out with him to a comedy club in Broadripple. Well, I did and I got the feeling that he meant to ask if I would like to go along with him as he basically picked up half of the club. I guess at this point I am so "desperate" that I read into a friend wanting to hang out as him and I dating. lol. Lord when ever will this desperation end? Oh well, after sitting there at the bar feelings totally humiliated, I skipped out of there. I guess I better call him or something. Let him know that I left, but I'm sure by now he got that I wasn't there. lol. It's been a good 12 hours. So, there are some traditions coming. My annual thank yous and my repost of last years. I can't remember if I did it last year. Uh oh, I'm getting old. lol. ...
Question 38 makes it a blog Update. Current mood: disappointed Category: Romance and Relationships 40 Secre​tsBe hones​t no matte​r whatOne: Who is your last text from?​My sisterTwo: Where​ was your defau​lt pictu​re taken​?​In a roomThree​:​What is your middl​e name?​I don't give out that info. C.J.are the initialsFour:​ Whats​ your curre​nt favor​ite color​?​PurpleFive:​ Does someb​ody love you?NoSix: What is your curre​nt mood?​Deep in thoughtSeven​:​ When is your birth​day?​January 11thEight​:​ What color​ shirt​ are you weari​ng?​BlueNine:​ If you were going​ on a reali​ty TV show,​ which​ one would​ it be?The Amazing RaceTen: Are you imagi​ning anyon​e naked​ right​ now?Yes, alwaysEleve​n:​ Who is on your mind right​ now?My "lover". I'm thinking about ending this off again on again secret relationship for good.Twelv​e:​ Ever had a near death​ exper​ience​?​YesThirt​een:​ Somet​hing you do a lot?SING ALTHOUGH NOT THAT GREAT AT IT LOL(Same here Jhoeny)Fourt​een:​ ...