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Feeling Loopy Hearing The Simpson's Soundtrack....DON'T ASK.
Mentel psycho fu%*
Hey peeps. Andrew is soooooo beautiful. That's him with his kitty.
Ok, well, it's the begining of the month. Yay. Peeps, I know some may think I'm gullabul, or stupid, but the past few months, I had my tarot reading and made a note of them for the month comming up. And for those months, I mean, the cards have been eirly right on. So, like every month, I'm gonna post what the cards say will happen in this blog and you tell me if I'm just stupid. Then, I will update like usual that month and see if it matches.
Ok, here's what they will say will happen in September. My general enviroment for Septermber will be one of judgement and legal matters ( I can tell you now that is true, because I have to take the lady to court about my car accident. ) It says also my biggest obsticle will be that law matter. They say I will also have to deal with bigotry and deciet. This is weird. they say that I will need to use intoxication mania to get thru this period. I'm fortunatly moving away from people who have controlled things in my life as of now (I totally understand that one) and I'm moving twords troubles in materials and assets (Uh oh) My emotions this month will be combative, yet skillful and bent on destruction (ummm).. I'll have a lot of hidden enemies, darkness, deception and error this month. I will continue to have hope for contentment and all. What's ultimatly to come out of this moth is love, beauty, attraction, and trails overcome.
That sounds grea. It didn't seem so much. I'm a little worried about the lose of possessions and assets. I'll try not to focus on the negative.
Ok, well, let me tell you what's happened in my life.
Andrew and I. Yes, Andrew. I speak of him too much, don't I. Well, I love him, or do I? That's one of the issues that I'm dealing with with my new cousilor (Shrink, Psycharitrist, psychoanaylis, Et) . Yes, I'm back on the couch. Last month, I was just extremely stressed. And the effects it was having on my whole life was evident to my mom and friends and they got me back into cousiling ( Something I hadn't done since I were 16). I just hated my previous cousilor. He was adimit about tieing everything to me being raped and molested. If I'm having a bad day, that doesn't mean it's because I was sexually abused. it's because I'm in a mood, that's all, and he didn't understand that. Enough on him. He should have his liscense revoked. But, Sherrie thinks that my friendship with Andrew is actually hurting my mentle being. She explained that I put to much of a realistic view on Andrew when he's not a realistic person geographicly. I just personally never felt that love was being able to touch and feel. I thought love was being able toget that feeling of tingly when one's name is mentioned, or when you remember something he said/typed. Then we went on into this whole thing how Rosie Meyers is the cause of this illusion. I thought Sherrie was crazy, but since I had time to think, I guess it is so. I fell in love with Rosie and all this. So, the ideal that when she fell in love with someone on the internet and now they're getting married and living together, I somehow set a standard for myself or an ideal that I'm trying to recreate Rosie thru Andrew by trying to make him my rosie and completing what I wasn't able to with Rosie. Something I desired. WTF. Wow, I totally see it now. But, the fact remains, I do care so much for Andrew. I mean, even if it's how my love for him initially started, I fell in love with him for his passions and his strenght and character. There's a clear distinction in Rosie and Andrew. I'm not sure.
Ok, so, I've gone on a lot about Drew. But, there's more. I've done some distancing between Andrew and I. I used to email him everyday and all, but I've slowed down on that. I just want to evauluate things. One thing Sherrie said was to think, would I drop everything, my whole life and family and obligations here in Indianapolis, to be with Andrew next week. I'm still thinking about it.
So, on to Jhoeny ( The most wonderful woman to ever cross my path. Don't tell Kerra) se thinks the same with Sherrie about Andrew, which surprized me. I dunno. I thought I had made a case for Andrew and I with her. i thought I got her to see that him and I are and should be together. Jhoeny happens to be the smartest person I know at this point in my life and I'm ( as weird as it sounds) starting to look up to her. So, when she says something, I take notice.
Jhoeny is a blessing I swear. Eventhough I never read her journal ( WTF is that about Jhoeny. I read it as much as possible. You update every other day. i can't keep up! Geez) Jhoeny is hooking up with like a different guy every week now that she's in college. LOL. I don't see how she has time to post anything. Hell, I'm hooking up with no one at all and I still have a hard time updating. geezus!
Kerra is doing a lot of hooking up too. She's surprized me so much with her dating patterns. She's dating outside her race and peeps from different countries and all that and I'm like, wow. This is definatly different from Jason (Her raciest, shit in front of her, ex boyfriend) . She's made me proud. Well, I'm not saying you have to date outside your race to make me proud. I'm just proud to call her a friend to see how open she is to all the beauty the world has to offer. If only w can get over this jeolosy hurdle. I intend to fight for her. We made amends for all the stuff last month, but I'm just hoping it'll stay that way for a while because I love chatting with her. But I will kick her ass if I need to. lol.
Speaking of kicking ass, I'm gonna have to kick dans ass. He's back with his cheating ex again. This is the fourth, count it, FOURTH time he's gone back to her after she screwed another dude. And she treats him like complete crap. Calling him a "Fucking idiot" all the time. I don't get why dan is letting her rule him like that. There's love, then there's abuse. Emotional abuse leaves wounds way longer than physical ones. Ugh. Dan is such a superb guy. i wish I could find him a nice girl who would be able to see that. His looks always attract this skanky hoes, and god bless him....YADDA.
oK, This is a rather big post. So I'll stop myself. Love you all, but I must go make out with my pillow and pretend it's George Lopez. Later Tominators.
Correction. Shawna's Wedding date is December 20th. Not August 20ths. So dumb. Sorry.
My room needs cleaning. Ugh
Love you Kerra, Jhoeny, Dan, Mike, Crystal, Andrew, "L", Bobby. All the rest of you, eh!

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