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Showing posts from July, 2004
7:09:40 AM EST Feeling Mischievous Hearing Justin Timberlake   Politics are Pouring Lalala.  Ok, hi.  So, some stuff has been happening.  I'm not gonna whine or whimper about it all.  Or maybe I should.  LOL.  i dunno.  Well, my last living blood grandmother had a stroke a couple of weeks ago.  So, we went down there  (Georgia) for a weekend and it was so emotionally draining for me.  Don't worry, she's doing very well.  Still has a problem with speech, but it's not servere.  So, like, we came back up to  Indianapolis, and the next weekend, my mom was like, "Lets go".  I told her that I couldn't, so she jumps down my throat and says that I'm a non caring bastard, but I couldn't fight back.  i had too much going thru my head.  If that wasn't enough, I found out this week that my only other grandmother (  Who is actually Josh's grandmother, but like I previously said, his family lov...
wow.. Artist. One out of every two people think they're an artist in some way shape or form. You non-conformists are all alike. Your mark on society brought to you by
Feeling Sad Hearing hoobastank   Death do you Part I hate this world that you live in.  the word you have made for yourself.  Why did you include me in it.  My purpose on this earth is meaningless and yet you continue to entrap me to it.  Peeps, I'm tired.  I'm so angry right now.  Yet, at the same time I am so sad.  Tears stream down my face.  It's like the right eyeball is making waterworks for all the anger I feel and the total rage I have against society, people, myself.  But the left eyeball is making waterworks for all the sadness and dissappointment I have.  How is my life so screwed up right now?>  I've done everything right in my life.  It's not worth anything. The other day I was reading up on this serial Killer and somehow he amazed me.  Somehow, I got this sensation that if I were to be more like him, all this pain and dissappointment would go away.  Or I could at least channel it...