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Showing posts from November, 2002
Okay, so I get up with the flu, or course and I drag myself to school. While in my Psychology class, I start to get all hot, and my vision becomes expelled. So, I got all sick all of a suddened, and passed out and the perimedics came and took me to the hospital. So, I get tere and they are wheeling by four convicts bloody and shit, and I'm like "I'm so out of here" It was no big deal anyways because it's just the flu. So, I go to my Communications class and head to my car to discover I locked my keys in my car! Ugh. So I had to call the campus police. They helped me back in the car. SO, I get home and tell my mom what happened today and she totally bitches me out because I didn't call her when I was in the hospital. I mean, it wasn't a big deal, and I didn't need her comming down pretending like she gave a damn. Ugh. so, yeah. And Cory called today. i didn't answer.
omg, people, i just had to come online and type that Jodi of Ohio gives the best head ever. OMG................ lol. There, I wrote about you Jodi. Happy?
Which cnut member are you ? This pointless quiz was made by TMO
size="-2">What Was Your PastLife?
Um, why does everything bad happen to me? Okay, started two thursdays ago. My class had planned a pizza party, and being the nice guy that I am, I told the professor and all that I would buy it. I made arranments with my sister to drop off the pizzas on campus being that I was in class at the time and could not go out and get the pizzas myself. So, okay, I told her my professor would be down to pick them up at Canvanough Hall, a building on campus that is very assesible from the streets. So, my proffessor goes down and wait at the spot and the bitch never shows. Sorry. So, my whole class was mad and grumpy because they were promised pizza and never got it. After that, I wasn't talking to my sister at all because I paid $50+ for no pizza and angry classmates. I'm still not talking to her. She told my mom that she dropped the pizzas off at "the office" What office. It's a big fucking campus. Did I tell her to drop them off at "the office" No...