Well, i feel this great need to post a blog, but I haven't a clue what to post. How do I put into words what I feel about anything? I sit an look at the beautiful dusting of snow that falls on this cold Indianapolis afternoon. My thoughts are with so many people. To my ex who is getting ready to move He's recovering from years of abuse of controlled substances. We spent the night together two nights in a row. Just holding each other and working through those issues that I put off years to discuss. I got the closure that I needed. His life is a wreck, but he says to me that my love is what has inspired him to do better. How I did not expect to hear that. I think I've humbled myself so much that sometimes I loose track of the fact that I really do impact some people in a positive way. In the eleven years I've known my ex, that's the best and most shocking thing he has ever said to me. It was sincere, I know, because it wasn't an attempt to get in my pants or get a...
Free flowing journal entries of a Gay Black American Male. Thomas Williams (DiMera) (B.K.A. Tommy D.) was born January 11th 1986 in Indianapolis Indiana to John Thomas Williams & Debra Deloise Evans . Tommy was relocated to small town Rome Georgia where he recieved most of his education and social skills. Moving back to Indianapolis in 1997 he has since documented his experiences in coming into his own as an adult male with a mission of allowing others to know they are not alone.