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Showing posts from February, 2009
I know I said I would post a blog, but you have no ideal the things going on in my life. I will post one soon, I promise. But for now, I just want to escape. Here's a survey thingy I took. Take care. Survery From Gabe1/2 BECAUSE I CAN DAMNIT! Body: Be hones​t,​​​ who have texte​d you today​?​​​​Dan, Alejandro, Tanisha, My sister, Ron, Amy, Kevin, and My credit card thingy.Do you think​ anyon​e has feeli​ngs for you?No, because they are all screwed up in the head. Can't realize a good thing right in front of them.Who was the first​ perso​n you talke​d to today​?​​​My mother​How late did you stay up last night​?​​​1:45​Do you regre​t your last fight​ with someo​ne?​​Yes, I regret all fights.Who was the last perso​n you cried​ in front​ of?kevinWhat will you be doing​ withi​n the next 3 hours​?​​​Going to Pride. .Loosing about 20 poundsHave you held hands​ with anyon​e in the past 24 hours​?​​​NoWhat are you liste​ning to?Jason Mraz​Whats​ on your bed?My bad, my umbrella, skit...
Hi hi hi. Hello. Okay, maybe blogging will make me feel better today. How a Saturday starts: Today has just started off so bad. I hope not to be as negative as some people in my life (mother) but it's just a suck butt day already. I had to break up a fight among two homeless people. That made me so sad. In my head, I'm making up cinerios on why they were fighting. I do not know the true reason why they were fighting though. My mother angered me today just by being such a negative person about everything. I truly hope that as I get older, I do not get cranky. I just hope to remain happy and, well, gay. My mmother has but only a few focuses in life. One major one is money money money. She lets money control her mood. That's one of the reasons I've made it a point over the last few years to do without a lot of things. There are many things I would like to have materially that I know I can afford, but I've made that choice that I will not let my ...
Not feeling Bloggy, but I must Current mood: bummed Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes Okay, i'm in no mood to post a blog. But why? I don't know. I've nothing to say really, but I will force a blog since it's been weeks. Goals Update: So, I figured I would Update on the current situations with the resolutions I made. I will do this every month to make sure I'm still holding myself accountable for them. I'll repost the goals and the current situation. 1. Of course last year I wanted to not gain any weight, and then secretly I resolved to loose 20 pounds. So, this year, up front, I want to loose 30 pounds by December 30 2009. ( Update) Well, as I stated before I took a little break. In the month of January I gained 4 pounds . it's alright, I'm back on it now. 2. I resolve to limit my potty mouth. Since I'm seen as a leader at church, Pastor Jeff pointed out that the reputation of the church can be reflected in the things I do. So, my major this is my potty...