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Showing posts from November, 2008
Change. It’s a start not an end. Current mood: exotic Category: Life Hello my people! For those of you who are expect a Grande ol blog, I'am sorry I'am in no mood to produce such a thing. I am wanting to be very insightful as to the absence of communication from me, though I feel that my words may come as lackluster in the whole scheme of things because I've so much to say. First allow me to do this. (Stands up, does the happy dance) ! How excited I am about the turnout of this election. Only did the person who I wanted to be elect was elected; Also the turn out was huge and more people than I can remember or recall in the years I've been voting actually took part in this election. How awesome that!?!?!?! As you all may recall, I was torn up when Hilary Clinton did not get the nomination, but I'm so happy that this republican reign of terror is soon to be put behind us, even just for a while. Congratulation To Mr. Obama! As you may know, I've been names...
A Blog to काम Current mood: कांफिडेंट Category: Life hello. As you know, I've been political since I came out of my mom's V V with a donkey birthmark. I've not any shame in that fact, nor do I have any reservations exclaiming my political view in a room full of white conservative republicans that this Bush was too weak. You know I have a speech ready for you all, but not just yet. I need another week or so to gather myself. So, I'm going to repost a Blog from July 28th 2004. Please read through it if you don't recall it (but of course you remember ever post I've ever made by heart) . I will be back with a week to post my big blog. I love you all and God bless. (((((((((((((((((REPOST BLOG JULY 28TH 2004)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:09:40 AM EST Feeling Mischievous Hearing Justin Timberlake Politics are Pouring Lalala. Ok, hi. So, some stuff has been happening. I'm not gonna whine or whimper about it all. Or mayb...