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Showing posts from March, 2008
I don’t think you trust मी Current mood: eccentric । Category: Blogging Sometimes, I’m just to hyper not to write something down. Well, this is the point I’m at now. I don’t know what to write about. I will jot down a few things that have really been bugging the hell out of me this last week,. Well, at the forefront of it all, my older brother, Will, lost his longtime girlfriend. He’s not taking it too well, and i don’t know how to react. My brother and I have a very weird relationship. I try hard to be there for him, but he’s not a person I really look up to. When we were younger, I admired him so much. But in later years, he got mixed in the world of drugs. I’ve never really publicly told anyone this, and it’s been an embarrassment to the family. Will could be so great, I swear. He’s smart, but of course being related to me, why wouldn’t he be. He’s very savy and he’s very humorous. Not a day goes by he doesn’t tell a joke that makes me smile. But, the drugs. The drug...
How to make an Ass out of थोमa Current mood: blessed Category: Life Drumroll please. Ok, introducing the best speechwriter, friend, lover, tennis player, website creator, and son in the whole world. Say hello to Mr. Tommy D D-licious. (Applause and riots starts) Ok, I'm dorky today which is a very stark contrast to what happened yesterday. So, I just wanted to update that as soon as I could and let you all know what the crap happened. And update on some other crap. So, I'm in a crap mood sorta and I don't care so I'm going to just blog now because I have nothing better to do in the world. Ok, yesterday I went to my church classes as I do every Thursday. Well, it was my day to share with the class my "Spiritual Journey" which is basically an outline your life as it is and the events that have shapped the way you feel about your connection with god. Well, you all know, I am a writer. I don't do the whole public speaking about myself unless it's...