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Showing posts from August, 2003
take this quiz.
Oh, by the way, 2003 sucks. I lost two boyfriend, my job, 13 friends, my virginity to a guy who seen me just as a challenge he conquered, and my will to live. Great fucking 2003
Blah bitches blah!!!! So, I drove by his house a coupl of times. You know, Cory! Ugh. Sucs. I want him n jail, yet I want to know what's going on with him. It's just that no one understood me like he did. Or maybe he just was good at making me feel as if he did. So, okay, the other day Rosie gets online and she totally attacked me. I was asking about the wedding of her and Dan and I was going to let her know what address to send it to, and she was like, "Um, I don't really now you" I was so brokenhearted. She's been like my bestest girl friend ( Notice that girl friend is not one word. ) for three years now and I've shared things with her I wouldn't and have never shared with anyone else! Hell the fuck o! It was a sucker punch. I totally hate when my "friends" start getting serious with a guy and it's like, to hell with the fag named Tommy. So, whatever. I think along with giving up with the ideal of being happy a...