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Showing posts from May, 2002
Hey people, and I'm totally horny right now! Okay, Too Much Information. Rosie and I are friends again. She suckered me into it. And one of the first things I did was sent her an r-rated picture of two guys making out. It was an accident of course, but she still got it and now she swears one of the guys are me. Hmmmmmm. The world may never know. Anyways, I'm not talking to Stephanie anymore because she's a total bitch to me and when I ask her why she's being bitchy, she says cause she's cramping. But then, like no more than five minutes later I see her talking to Rob and Scott and she's all happy and not in a bad mood. So, it must be me. So screw her. I didn't want to be friends with a slut like her anyways. Geez, I'm so bored right now. Cheryl came by showing off her new outfitss and I was like matering at the mouth. . So, she was like, "You like this one" and I was like "I would like it better on the floor" and sh...
You are the good ol' thumb! You are the family one, the one who not necessarily everyone loves but the one who everyone can't live without. Always willing to lend a hand or comfort a friend when they need it. Which finger are you? Take the quiz to find out.
Yeppers. It is I, again, wishing to speak about me. As if there is anyone else as important as I! Well, what's new?!?! Well, I'm sick of the citrus blonde, so I am going to dye it Chocolate Cherry. OMG, that sounds totally yummy. I'm totally yummy . So in my life. I've gotten rid of a lot of my "friends". Rosie, Stryker, Christina, etc etc. It's just really time to surround myself with people who love me and care what happens to me and not get afraid when I am not having a normal day. Peeps that will stand by me regaurdless. Anyways, Star Wars suck. I want to go see Spiderman. OMG, Toby looks so hot in that suit. lol. So, Chris and Alex won the amazing race. Big whoop! I hoped that Blake and Paige would have won. They are such good people. But Will, ugh!!!!!!! He's a total ass! Yuck. Well, now Survivor is about to wrap up. I hope Kathy takes it all. She deserves it. And Buffy. OMG, BUFFY IS THE BEST SHOW EVER Okay, Spik...
Don't be stupid, you know I love ya. Don't be impossible, you know I need ya. Okay, I'm ging to stop singing. So, I'm totally horny right now because I found out thru my neice that some guy thinks I'm cute and all that. Only thing is is that he is 28. But, doable none the less. lol. I'm acting like a total slut, I know. . Well, if you think I'm a slut, my ex girlfriend right now is screaming at the top of her lungs that she gave Jimmy a boner. Ew! I really don't wish to know about it, but she's a hoe! Nothing really new in my life right now. Just preparing to go to COlleg and all. Been busy with that and trying to loose this stupid gaginity. I have a guy in mind. lol. What am I saying, I have 127 guys in mind. And a couple girls. lol. Kinky crap that is. I felt really bad last night because I vomitted all over someone at a party. I was so ashamed and so sick. I don't know, I've been getting sick a lot recently. Bu...