Hey people, and I'm totally horny right now! Okay, Too Much Information. Rosie and I are friends again. She suckered me into it. And one of the first things I did was sent her an r-rated picture of two guys making out. It was an accident of course, but she still got it and now she swears one of the guys are me. Hmmmmmm. The world may never know. Anyways, I'm not talking to Stephanie anymore because she's a total bitch to me and when I ask her why she's being bitchy, she says cause she's cramping. But then, like no more than five minutes later I see her talking to Rob and Scott and she's all happy and not in a bad mood. So, it must be me. So screw her. I didn't want to be friends with a slut like her anyways. Geez, I'm so bored right now. Cheryl came by showing off her new outfitss and I was like matering at the mouth. . So, she was like, "You like this one" and I was like "I would like it better on the floor" and sh...
Free flowing journal entries of a Gay Black American Male. Thomas Williams (DiMera) (B.K.A. Tommy D.) was born January 11th 1986 in Indianapolis Indiana to John Thomas Williams & Debra Deloise Evans . Tommy was relocated to small town Rome Georgia where he recieved most of his education and social skills. Moving back to Indianapolis in 1997 he has since documented his experiences in coming into his own as an adult male with a mission of allowing others to know they are not alone.