Hello my friends, family, and fans. This is gonna be a bit of a ranting blog. So, if you have the balls to read it, do so without getting angry. For the last few months, I've been reading more blogs and comments than ever. I made a resolution to loose x number of pound by x day. Then another x by x day. So, silly me, for inspiration, I thought I would read some people who I consider(ed) friends who were okay in their fitness. Much to my surprise, many of them took the time that they could have used to encourage and push people to better themselves physically to belittle, berate, and chastise overweight people. Now, after reading months and months of this crap, I am prepared to make a statement.... First of all, to myself and all of my plus sized brothers, sisters, and sisthers. We were beautiful then, we are beautiful now, and we will be beautiful forever. I am not loosing weight so I can be like "them". Never will I have the classic definition of the "perfect" ...
Free flowing journal entries of a Gay Black American Male. Thomas Williams (DiMera) (B.K.A. Tommy D.) was born January 11th 1986 in Indianapolis Indiana to John Thomas Williams & Debra Deloise Evans . Tommy was relocated to small town Rome Georgia where he recieved most of his education and social skills. Moving back to Indianapolis in 1997 he has since documented his experiences in coming into his own as an adult male with a mission of allowing others to know they are not alone.