Well, one could say that I have failed already at so much.... yet I am not of that thinking. Hello my friends. I know this should be my annual Thank Yous being posted, but I'm gonna delay that just a couple more weeks as I gather myself again. Why would I need to gather myself? Well, life happened. I would rather right now type about that than to post the Thank yous. It's my outlet. So, a few weeks ago, I was steadfast in going about my resolutions. I knew that it may be a bumpy road. The difference is that I am actually able to deal with the detours that life gives me rather than jumping out of the car on the side of the highway and crying. I will describe what happened in accordance to my resolutions. I will basically give the update on said resolutions which will explain why life just got side tracked. If you don't remember or never read my resolutions, they are at the bottom of this blog. So, we will start with #1. After reality set in after I had an ex...
Free flowing journal entries of a Gay Black American Male. Thomas Williams (DiMera) (B.K.A. Tommy D.) was born January 11th 1986 in Indianapolis Indiana to John Thomas Williams & Debra Deloise Evans . Tommy was relocated to small town Rome Georgia where he recieved most of his education and social skills. Moving back to Indianapolis in 1997 he has since documented his experiences in coming into his own as an adult male with a mission of allowing others to know they are not alone.